Sunday, May 15, 2005

Those ants that invaded my pants; finis

Ooh, it appears we’ve been tagged. I wonder what that means? It appears to be something about fillums and chain lettery type stuff. Oh well, seems harmless – but tricky because we don’t really ‘do’ fillums – and we don’t have many friends either! Oh well, here goes:

1. Total number of films we own on DVD: none.
2. The last film we bought: never bought one.
3. The last film we watched: About A Boy (cos it was on TV)
4. Five films that we watch a lot: Difficult. Like I said, we don't ‘do’ films. ‘Some films that we’ve watched more than once will have to suffice!:

The Italian Job
Brief Encounter

Erm ... that's all folks!

Tagged in return: Elly, Miss Sixty, Mrs Mort, Henry, Aoj (who for some reason won't enlinkify).