Saturday, July 17, 2010

I'll bet you think this song is about you

It must be ... ooh, two or three years ago I bought an apricot whip (that's a baby tree, by the way) that was guaranteed to fruit in the second year after purchase. Duly, in its first season it grew but didn't flower. Last year it flowered, but we had late frosts and no fruit resulted. This year it had plenty of blossom

but despite my best efforts with the pollinating brush and throwing bees at it only one fruit developed. This was nurtured; the tree, still in a pot, fed and watered copiously to encourage it to ripe fruition. This baby fruit was cherished and admired, and woe betide anyone who did anything to hinder its development. It swelled satisfyingly and the heat of the past few weeks blushed its cheeks to a delicate pink.

Then yesterday it fell from the tree in its ripe perfection. It was carried indoors in triumph and reventially halved and shared. The verdict? I have never sampled any fruit so sublime. Juicy and sweet and warm, like no other apricot can ever have tasted. Perfection. :)


omally said...

Superb! I is a ver' jellus 'king!
Sounds like the first time I tasted my own Runner Beans :)

Anonymous said...

Let's hope you get one each next year. Well done!

silver horde said...

How delish! Love the song lyric you chose too.

Lord Hutton said...

One is sometimes enough.

Vera said...

That first juicy bite: wow! To enjoy with relish, that is what one must do when one nurtures one's own produce, and that you most certainly did, as indeed I did when I had the first fruit of our first small crop of apricots.