Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Your subtleties, they strangle me

I hope these are wisteria seedlings. The seedpods came from a wisteria outside the library, but I'm beginning to wonder if there might not be another climber in amongst it, because they don't look as I'd expected. Time will tell!

PS: a virtual prize to the first person to identify the title.


Rich said...

Ooh they don't look awfully wisteriaish to me.

omally said...

Wisteria leaves are a bit spikier aren't they?

Lord Hutton said...

I read subleties as subtitles. Perhaps I need new glasses

omally said...

Should've gone to Specsavers, Hutters ;)

Jan, do I win a prize for using Google?
It's 'It Ends Tonight' by the All American Rejects.

Jeangenie said...

But why did I use that song, mally? (And you'll get a real prize if you can work that out without using google!)

omally said...

D'oh! Jane beat me to it (in your next blog).
Oh, alright then, I couldn't work it out ;)