Monday, May 31, 2010

Sittin' in the mornin' sun

An established bay tree is usually very hardy, and able to withstand cold weather without turning a ... I was going to say hair, but that's not right, and leaf doesn't really fit the bill ... anyhow, they can usually come through the winter unscathed. Last winter was particularly extreme, and our poor tree is rather the worse for wear.

The leaves should be a glossy dark green, not dry and desiccated. In places there are signs of life and regrowth

but despite waiting for months, others have clearly had it completely.

If we amputate all the dead bits I fear it's going to be very lopsided and unbalanced. The poor thing might have to come down completely.


Rich said...

We had to lop a huge amount off ours too. Careful when burning in an incinerator - it doesn't half get hot! Must be something to do with the oils in it.

Lord Hutton said...

Do it. It'll be OK

Wimbledon & Putney Commons said...

That's a shame. Fortunately mine is much smaller and in a very sheltered spot so it doesn't seem to have suffered.

Aoj and The Hounds said...

oops...that was me, by the way!

Scott Johnson said...

Dock of the Bay earworm!!!!!

Jeangenie said...

*satisfied smirk*

Anonymous said...

Oh...what's occurring....don't chop it down, just prune out the dead'll be fine and it will love all the spaces in between to fill as time goes by...