Saturday, September 18, 2010

Any dream will do

Back around the time of the First World War a branch of my family lived out in Persia, as it was known then. My great-aunt was a talented watercolourist and produced many very pleasing pictures of various scenes, and when the family returned to England in the early 1920s she wrote a book about the country and used her own pictures to illustrate it.

The picture on the cover is particularly colourful, and as a small girl I was thrilled to learn that the actual costume was still in the family's possession. I longed to dress up in it and copy the pose in the picture, but circumstances meant there was never a good opportunity to get it down from the loft. Until we were emptying my mother's old home, whereupon I seized the trunk it was in and bore it, and the original watercolour picture, away to Genie Towers for safe keeping. Today I decided the circumstances were right for dressing up!

I shouldn't have too much difficulty getting into these!

The fiddliest bit was trying to get the headgear right, wondering which of the squillions of pieces of silk in the trunk were the right ones, and trying to drape and knot them correctly It would have helped to have someone who knew how these things worked, but Ned made a very good model's dresser, and eventually we decided we were ready for a shoot.

All in all I'm very pleased with the result, and I had such fun fulfilling this childhood ambition!


Stu said...

That is absolutely amazing!

Rich said...

Brilliant! That is beyond cool and out the other side!

Anonymous said...

Oh, apart from you looking ABSOL...UTELY stunning in it...this is an antique you know, a very very precious item(s) careful, very careful how you you dispose of it, if that's your plan.

Jeangenie said...

Don't worry, Anon, it's not going anywhere, other than back to its box in the loft; it's part of the family!

Even if I was considering rehoming it its monetary value is negligible; it's a curiosity not an asset.

NigelH said...

Wow! What a great tale!

Fluffy said...

Fantastic! This brightened my day :-)

Becky said...

This is fabulous. This is the kind of thing I deal with every day at work, and it pleases my heart to see someone loving and, above all, using what they have, instead of it being wrapped up in acid free tissue and kept in a special box in a store room only to see the light of day or the slightest affection when someone like me opens it up.


Anonymous said...

What a heartwarming and interesting story! Hurrah!

silver horde said...

That is an amazing outfit.