Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I'm like a bird, I'll only fly away

Last year, despite the apricot tree having several flowers, it only set one fruit (which turned out to be the most delicious apricot in the history of the world); we'd hoped for better things this year - one fruit each, perhaps, instead of having to share. It duly developed several flower buds which swelled promisingly, and in the last few days of mild weather and sunshine they started to open.

They are no more. Today they were all systematically removed by this little so-and-so:

Having stripped the tree he then spent the next seven hours of daylight battering at the window, fluttering from the top of the frame to the window-ledge at the bottom and up again, and getting into most undignified positions.

I wonder what roast bluetit tastes like.


Vera said...

Oh what bad luck! We don't seem to have any blue tits around at the moment, so our young apricot trees have blossomed, but not as much as they did last year. C'est la vie, as the French say!

omally said...

Be honest, you'd shut his tail in the window for the last two pics.


Jan said...

I wish!

*mutters dark, evil thoughts*

Mort said...

I have a cherry tree I need to protect from The Evil Birds! They ate them all last year :(

omally said...

Want to borrow my flame-thrower?
Yes, I really do have one :)

Jan said...

Superglue should do the trick. :)

omally said...

Yeah, you hold him I'll torch him!

Has he stopped having a go at that 'other Bluetit in the window'? For the most intelligent British bird they can be pretty daft. :)

Trouty said...

Ohhh no. I think my garden birds have been reading your blog.
I've just caught pigeons gobbling up my greengage buds!