Thursday, May 20, 2004

Bad, bad, bad, bad boy ...

Today my naughty Boy decided to celebrate his birthday by skiving off school and going into Stratford for the day. He said he'd be back 'early afternoon' which, to me, means before 6pm which is when he eventually returned, but maybe my sense of time is out of date along with everything else! He was very surprised to get home and find, amongst his mail, a birthday card from the local MP, congratulating him on achieving his majority - and with no obvious "and I hope you'll be voting for me" message anywhere! Clearly going for the subliminal influence. Anyway, we had a very enjoyable meal out with the Boy and his girlfriend. She's a lovely girl, who's welcome round our house as much as she likes. They've now descended on the pub to meet friends, and I shall take great pleasure in making sure everyone who stays here tonight is up and about, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, in time for school in the morning (mwahahahaha!)