Sunday, March 14, 2004

Eek, I nearly forgot to blog today, having had a day off yesterday (courtesy of The Merman, apparently!) For that, many thanks - despite it being rushed as you say, I'm sure we could have a good debate about many of the points raised!

Today has been a very strange day. I got very little sleep due to Piglet's brain still being in his trousers, and deciding that he needed to serenade Clover all night. As he threw his head back and wailed, the others all joined in. It was like twilight in Alaska, with the Call of the Wild echoing round the snowy wastes. Except such things are generally not appreciated in Midlands villages. I do hope we have a more peaceful night tonight, though I'm not holding my breath.

Then, on another Forum, a friend suggested I try a game she'd found on the net.
(I'll find out how to do links sometime, but that will have to do as a Copy and Paste.) So instead of doing the ironing for tomorrow, I spent all afternoon solving it. We will all go to school and work crumpled tomorrow. No change there then.